Tropico 6 Update 22 Hotfix 1

Fellow Tropicans,

We have just released a Hotfix for some issues reported to us after Update 22 and the release of the “Tropican Shores” DLC.
For more details, please check out the full changelog below.
Viva Tropico!
Bug Fixes
Tropican Shores DLC
- Fixed an issue which caused a yacht to move sideways after loading a save.
- Fixed an issue which caused a yacht to drive through land when launching a yacht and immediately relocating its Yacht Shipyard.
- Fixed an issue which showed the construction icon over a launchable yacht.
- Fixed an issue which caused yacht visitors to walk out of the yacht during relocation.
- Fixed an issue with the Dolphin Therapy which prevented dolphins and sharks from appearing after loading a save.
- Fixed an issue which caused faded map icons in the sandbox menu and load menu.
- Fixed an issue with scenario map description being out of bounds.
- Added a map selection icon to the Tropican Shores scenario selection screen to show the “difficulty completion” stamp.
Going Viral DLC
Fixed an issue which caused the “Visit Status” display to be removed from the Mobile Doctor Squad building.
- Fixed an issue which prevented displaying the tool tip of the “Tourist only” checkbox of tourist buildings.
- Fixed a common crash.
- Fixed an issue which caused the Trading Post to get coloured by non-related overlays.
Minor Japanese language adjustments.