The Inquisitor | Update 1.1

We have just released Update 1.1 on PC (Steam, Microsoft Store and Epic Games Store), PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S which adds new gameplay options to skip puzzles, automate QTE, and more. The Update also addresses various gameplay, general, and visual issues.
Please find the full changelog below.
Note: All new features and fixes are also present in the Demo. The Demo will be updated along with the main game.

New Features for Story Lovers: (New Entries in Gameplay Tab of Options)
- Hide Light Beams: Light Beams can now be disabled via a toggle. General navigation to other districts is still functional. Only none-district gate light beams are disabled.
- Skippable Puzzles: Puzzles can now be skipped. Once this has been set to “On”, a new input shows up on each puzzle which automatically resolves the puzzle once pressed.
- Easy Combat Mode: Each enemy can be defeated with 1 hit once the toggle is set to “On”.
- Automatic QTE: Once set to “On”, all QTEs automatically complete.
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Scourge ability to reappear after Mordimer has died in the Unworld.
- Fixed an issue that caused NPCs to get stuck during escorts.
- Fixed an issue that caused Mordimer to glitch through staircases if pushed by an NPC.
- Fixed an issue which prevented the light beam in front of the town hall from getting displayed.
- Fixed an issue which caused the task “Find the warehouse of the brothers Finkelstein” to not get removed from the active task UI.
- Fixed an issue in the cathedral which caused a cutscene to not trigger properly when reaching the related way point.
- Fixed an issue which caused the camera to glitch through the ground while eavesdropping in the Harbor.
- Fixed an issue which caused unskippable dialogues in the clinic.
- Fixed an issue which caused the Vampire to attack through objects.
- Fixed an issue which caused a boss to move through objects.
- Fixed an issue which prevented shrine interaction while hunting Jonas.
- Fixed an issue which caused the Brood of the Murk to glitch through the stairs at the shards in the Unworld.
- Fixed an issue which caused Mordimer to be displayed for a short amount of time after the End Credits.
- Fixed an issue that caused a Monk in the library to be stuck in the ground after finishing his voice line.
- Fixed an issue which caused an NPC to sink into the ground in the dungeon.
- Fixed an issue which caused missing subtitles in one of the endings.
- Fixed an issue which caused Mordimer to disappear when quickly changing graphic settings and going back to the main menu.
- Fixed an issue which caused the game to become unresponsive when quickly changing the Upscaling options.
- Fixed an issue which caused the game to become unresponsive when changing the graphical quality in the Unworld.

- Fixed an issue which caused Amelia to pop up during the dungeon escape event.
- Fixed an issue that resulted in the Executioner’s Mask clipping through Mordimer’s hands.
- Fixed an issue that caused Nontle’s skirt to glitch into the ground.
- Fixed an issue that caused idling town guards to clip.
- Fixed an issue which caused the merchant son to have blood on himself before the events at the dungeon entrance.
- Fixed an issue which could corrupt the environment and make it disappear.
- Fixed an issue which caused a broken environment when loading a save in the Catacombs.
- Fixed an issue which caused the Ruffian to T-pose inside the brothel.
- Fixed an issue where a guard’s arm was glitching into his body.
- Fixed an issue which caused Mordimer’s face to get distorted during combat.
- Fixed an issue in the cathedral district which caused a patrolling monk to glitch through another NPC.
- Fixed an issue which cloned the dead body of the vampire.
- Fixed an issue which caused Mordimer to not properly hold his sword with two hands.
- Fixed an issue which caused the guards voice over audio to be lower compared to other voice overs.
- Adjusted some volume levels of sound effects.
Fixed an issue which caused the “Master Inquisitor” achievement not properly recognizing unlocked achievements.